Hosted Pages, Apps & Links

Pre-built payment links and customer-facing apps designed for end-users to manage their payments and see their transactions.

No-Code Necessary

Accept Payments and Run Card Programs Without Code.

Use FixFi hosted apps to allow customers to manage online payments and cards without ever touching sensitive data.

Generate Payment Links

Use payment links to accept payments online or in-person. Go Live with this feature in seconds.

Your Business Never Interacts with Cardholder Data

Remain outside of scope for PCI compliance. All links and apps are hosted through FixFi servers and are securely within the FixFi cardholder data environment.

White Label Option

Choose to remove FixFi branding from apps, so that end-users only see your company's logos and branding to create a more seamless user-experience.

Need more CusTomization?

Functions and Endpoints

Utilize Functions and Endpoints to achieve greater levels of control and customization.

   * Writes the current year to all elements that match the selector.
  function setCurrentYear() {
    const YEAR_ELEMENTS_SELECTOR = '[fs-hacks-element="year"]';

    const yearElements = document.querySelectorAll(YEAR_ELEMENTS_SELECTOR);
    const currentYear = new Date().getFullYear().toString();

    yearElements.forEach((yearElement) => {
      yearElement.textContent = currentYear;
  document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', setCurrentYear);

Embed snippets of code into your platform to further customize your payment workflows for end-users.


Integrate with our APIs and SDKs to fully customize and control your end-user experience.